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Travel Sickness

Travel sickness is also known as motion sickness.  Its characterised by a feeling of nausea when travelling by car, boat, plane, or train. Travel sickness is triggered by repeated movements when travelling, the movement causes the inner ear to send different signals to your brain from those seen by your eyes.

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Travel Sickness

How it Works

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Complete Online Questionnaire

Complete a simple consultation online and select your preferred medication

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Our Prescriber Approves

Our prescriber will review your consultation and approve your order

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Delivery to your door

Track your medicine right up until you get it delivered. Done!

New to online consultations?

Just like your local GP, we’re here to support you with expert, confidential advice and treatment but without the travel and waiting time. You can reach us whether you’re relaxing at home or hard at work. With pick up in store or free standard delivery, you’ll get fast access to a range of treatments you need, if suitable for you.

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