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Health News

SAD image

SAD: The facts behind Winter Depression

January 20, 2017 “The Winter Blues” is a widely used term which crops up every year starting as early as September and persisting into the winter months. Nevertheless, there ...

Diabetic Image

How to eat well as a diabetic

February 13, 2018 Watching what you eat if you’re diabetic is one of the biggest struggles with the illness. It not only affects you but the people in your ...

Healthy Image

Stay Healthy at Work

January 31, 2018 Maintaining a work-life balance can be difficult for many people, especially when the nature of your job might be affecting your health and wellbeing. If you ...

Cold image

Avoid catching a cold this Winter 2022

December 01, 2017 Winter is here and  we are all hoping to avoid the cold and flu bug this year. It is well-known fact that these common illnesses are ...

University image

How to Be Healthy at University

September 28, 2017 University has just started and a lot of  young people are excited to leave home for new opportunities and experiences. However, how can you remain healthy ...

Menstrual image

Menstrual Cycle Advice

July 28, 2017 The majority of women all over the world, across social classes and backgrounds, experience their periods in similar ways. Periods are defined as the time of ...

Self diagnosis image

Pros and Cons of self-diagnosis

June 21, 2017 The availability of information online and the long wait for a doctor’s appointment lead many of us to self-diagnose. Let’s be honest: who hasn’t looked for ...

Obesity image

Obesity Epidemic

May 16, 2017 Obesity is a rising epidemic that is affecting a quarter of adults in England alone. This is an increase of 10% compared to 20 years ago. ...

White teeth

Safe ways to whiten teeth

January 20, 2017 Every day, your teeth endure a multitude of substances thrown their way and we can often carry ourselves through the day without giving a single thought ...

Winter cold image

How To Avoid The Cold & Flu Bug This December

November 24, 2016 Winter is coming and while some of us are anticipating a white Christmas, we are all hoping to avoid the cold and flu bug this December. ...

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