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Health News

No Drink Image

What are the health benefits of not drinking alcohol?

January 02, 2019 A new year has just begun, the perfect time for a fresh start and some lifestyle changes. But rather than limiting these improvements to January, why ...

Hair Loss

Top 7 Causes of Hair Loss

October 13, 2017 Men are more likely to lose hair than women, 70 percent of men and 40 percent of women to be exact. Nevertheless, both, female and male ...

Antibiotic Image

Can I buy antibiotics without a prescription?

April 17, 2015 If you are looking to buy antibiotics without a prescription, unfortunately you are going to be disappointed. The short answer to this question is no. But ...

Asthma Image

How to deal with Asthma

April 04, 2018 In our previous blog, we spoke at length about hay fever and how it can affect people around this time of year. However, sometimes people can ...

Losing Weight Image

Top Tips for Losing Weight

There are many ways that you can effectively lose weight in a safe way. Everybody is different and experiences weight loss in different ways; some may find that they ...

Winter Flu Image

Winter Flu: All you need to know

September 15, 2017 Summer is quickly coming to an end; and with the arrival of autumn and winter come shorter days, colder weather and flu season. The past few ...

Back pain image

Back Pain: Treat it and Prevent It

August 25, 2017 Back pain is something that is a common problem for many people in the UK. Most of the time it isn’t that serious but sometimes it ...

Hayfever image

Hayfever Suffering on the Increase

May 16, 2017 Hayfever, an allergy to pollen, is one of the most common allergies and the number of sufferers is only increasing. Many products are available, ranging from ...

Baldness Image

New Treatment Reverses Baldness

August 21, 2014 Hair loss is a sensitive subject with around 39% of males lose their hair in the UK alone and actually, around 1 in 5 women over ...

Sleep Deprivation Image

Tips for Dealing with Sleep Deprivation

January 15, 2018 Sleep deprivation is one of the most common issues adults face today. More than a third (37%) of Britons said they did not get the right ...

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